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The Hemene Approach™

Watch Shaun Ellis

Behaviour Healing

Steps of the Process

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Read more about Canine Development

Canine development is a fascinating journey that encompasses various stages, each playing a pivotal role in shaping a dog's physical, social, and cognitive abilities. From the tender moments of puppyhood, where they first open their eyes to the world, to the energetic adolescence marked by exploration and learning, dogs undergo a series of developmental circles. These circles, or stages, extend into adulthood, where the culmination of early experiences influences their behavior, personality, and overall well-being. Understanding the intricacies of canine development involves delving into the realms of socialization, training, and the unique needs of each life stage. It's a dynamic process where careful attention to nutrition, healthcare, and positive interactions contributes to the formation of happy, healthy, and well-adjusted canine companions.

Image by Rafaëlla Waasdorp

Social Characters

Dogs, like humans, boast an incredible spectrum of native social characters that contribute to the richness of their interactions within the canine community. From the exuberant and outgoing to the reserved and contemplative, each dog brings a unique social character to the proverbial table. These characters, shaped by a combination of genetics, upbringing, and individual experiences, play a pivotal role in determining how a dog navigates social situations, forms connections, and expresses emotions. Some may exhibit a natural inclination for leadership, while others thrive as social butterflies, effortlessly weaving through the intricate tapestry of social bonds. These social characters can be shaped and changed by us, other dogs and the environment; often to the detriment of the dog. Understanding and appreciating the diverse social characters of dogs not only enhances our ability to communicate with them effectively but also deepens the profound connection we share with our four-legged companions.

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